Home > People & Place Plan - Your views needed

People & Place Plan - Your views needed

The Parish Council is looking into a People & Place Plan and would like to hear from anyone who would like to help.

The Plan is a 'watered down' version of a Neighbourhood Plan and would contain the views and evidence from residents on how Little Blakenham should be in terms of land and development.  It would contain what the village's priorities should be and would be a document that would have to be considered by departments such as Planning when new applications were proposed.

The Plan itself would need to be a very detailed document with it taking approximately 30 hours to put together and complete.

The Parish Council could not do this itself, it needs to have input from those who live in the village and so volunteers would be needed.

Before the Parish Council can decide on moving forward with the Plan, it would need to note any interest from residents and volunteers.

If you are therefore interested in helping with the document please contact the Parish Clerk, Jennie Blackburn, here.